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How To Stop Snoring Forever

Snoring is the sound of the vibrating respiratory structures – tongue, mouth, throat or airways as you breathe while sleeping due to obstructed air movement.

Usually that isn’t caused by anything serious and it’s just because these parts of your body relax and narrow when you’re asleep.

A third of men snore in comparison to a fifth of women, mainly due to biological factors. As women have smaller throats their tongues are more likely to fully block the airway, causing them to wake up rather than snore.

People who drink, smoke, sleep on their back or are overweight are more prone to snore.

Snoring is known to cause sleep disturbance to snorers and those around them, as well as irritability, lack of focus and in some cases decreased libido. It may have significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.

So if snoring is a problem, here is what you can do.

  • Reduce smoking and avoid alcohol before bed

These are relaxants and relax throat muscles.

  • Sleep on your side.

Sleeping on your back may result in the tongue dropping to the back of the mouth blocking the airway. You can buy a special pillow to help keep you on your side.

  • Try to lose weight

Fat can gather in and around the throat

  • Consider buying a chin strap to hold your mouth closed, or make you breathe through your nose while you sleep.

  • Nasal dilators or strips that hold your nose open while you sleep, or sprays to reduce swelling inside your nose might also be effective.

If none of that helps you can discuss with your GP further treatment.

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